User Methods

PROP Servers

Listing Servers

In order to list the servers available for PROP challenges or competitions, the list method found under the prop.servers namespace in the SDK can be used.

import { ServerDto, ResponsePaginated } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const servers: ResponsePaginated<ServerDto> =await tradrApi.prop.servers.list();

The list method returns a paginated list of servers available for PROP challenges or competitions.

Each server object contains the following properties:

interface ServerDto {
  /** The unique identifier for the server */
  id: number;
  /** The platform the server belongs to */
  platform: 'TL' | 'MT4' | 'MT5';
  /** The monetization type of the server */
  monetization: 'DEMO' | 'REAL';
  /** The name of the server */
  name: string;