Admin Methods
Exchange clients

p## Exchange Clients

Exchange clients are references to clients which may be used on a number of platforms in order to allow the user to be able to interface with the relevant trading platform (a.k.a. exchange)

Exchange clients contain a URL which is used to obtain access to the actual client. These clients are made available for a number of platforms (e.g. iOS, Mac, Windows, etc...)

Fetching Exchange Clients

Exchange clients may be fetched using the get() method on the admin.exchangeClient namespace in the SDK, for example:

import { ExchangeClient } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const exchangeClient: ExchangeClient = await tradrApi.admin.exchangeClient.get(201);

The get() method takes a single parameter which is the ID of the exchange client to fetch. The returned value is an ExchangeClient object as follows:

interface ExchangeClient {
  /** The TradrAPI ID of the entity */
  id: number;
   * The date the entity was created
   * @format date-time
  createdAt: string;
   * The date the entity was last updated
   * @format date-time
  updatedAt: string;
  /** The links associated with this client */
  links?: ExchangeClientLink[];
  /** The server associated with this client */
  server?: Server;
  /** The server id associated with this client */
  serverId?: number;
  /** The brand associated with this client */
  brand?: Brand;
  /** The brand id associated with this client */
  brandId?: number;

Each link in the links array is an ExchangeClientLink object as follows:

enum ExchangeClientPlatform {
  Windows = 'windows',
  Linux = 'linux',
  Macos = 'macos',
  Ios = 'ios',
  Android = 'android',
  Web = 'web',
interface ExchangeClientLink {
  /** The TradrAPI ID of the entity */
  id: number;
   * The date the entity was created
   * @format date-time
  createdAt: string;
   * The date the entity was last updated
   * @format date-time
  updatedAt: string;
  /** The platform for which the link is valid */
  platform: ExchangeClientPlatform;
  /** The url to fetch the client itself */
  value: string;

All exchange clients for a particular project may be fetched at once using the list() method on the admin.exchangeClient namespace:

import { PaginatedResponse, ExchangeClient } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const exchangeClients: PaginatedResponse<ExchangeClient> =
  await tradrApi.admin.exchangeClient.list();

The list() method optionally accepts a single parameter which is an object containing the following properties:

interface ListExchangeDto {
   * The current page being returned.
   * @default 1
  page?: number;
   * Number of records per page.
   * @default 10
  limit?: number;
   * The sort direction of the records being returned
   * @default "DESC"
  sortDir?: SortDir;

With Manager level authentication it is possible to list all exchange clients across all projects. This is done by making use of the listAll() method:

import { PaginatedResponse, ExchangeClient } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const exchangeClients: PaginatedResponse<ExchangeClient> =
  await tradrApi.admin.exchangeClient.listAll();

The listAll() method optionally accepts a single parameter in the format of the above-mentioned ListExchangeDto.

Creating An Exchange Client

In order to create a new exchange client, the create() method on the admin.exchangeClient namespace may be used:

import { ExchangeClient } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const result: ExchangeClient = await tradrApi.admin.exchangeClient.create({
  serverId: 1,
  brandId: 1,
  links: [
      value: '',
      platform: ExchangeClientPlatform.Ios,

This method accepts a CreateExchangeClientDto as a parameter:

interface CreateExchangeClientDto {
  /** The brand ID with which to associate the exchange client */
  brandId?: number;
  /** The list of links to add to the exchange client */
  links?: ExchangeClientLink[];
  /** The server ID to which this exchange client belongs */
  serverId: number;

Updating An Existing Exchange Client

Existing exchange clients can be updated using the update() method on the admin.exchangeClient namespace:

import { ExchangeClientPlatform } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const result: boolean = await tradrApi.admin.exchangeClient.update(201, {
  serverId: 3,
  linksToAdd: [
      value: '',
      platform: ExchangeClientPlatform.Ios,

An UpdateExchangeClientDto is used as the second parameter:

interface UpdateExchangeClientDto {
  /** The list of links to add to the exchange client */
  linksToAdd?: ExchangeClientLink[];
  /** The IDs of the links to remove from the exchange client */
  linksToRemove?: number[];
  /** The server ID which the exchange client belongs to */
  serverId: number;

To update only the links of an exchange client, the updateLink() method may be used:

const result: boolean = await tradrApi.admin.exchangeClient.updateLink(1531, {
  value: '',
  platform: ExchangeClientPlatform.Ios,

An UpdateExchangeClientLinkDto is used as the second parameter:

interface UpdateExchangeClientLinkDto {
  /** The url to fetch the client itself */
  value?: string;
  /** The platform for which the link is valid */
  platform?: ExchangeClientPlatform;

Deleting An Existing Exchange Client

Existing exchange clients can be deleted using the delete() method on the admin.exchangeClient namespace:

const result: boolean = await tradrApi.admin.exchangeClient.delete(201);