Account Credentials
The account credentials are used by the user (or account holder) in order to operate directly on the relevant trading platform (MetaTrader, TradeLocker, etc...).
It is important to note that these credentials are not used to authenticate to the TradrAPI platform, but rather to the trading platform in which the account resides.
Account credentials are only available for hybrid
or limited
These credentials are not required if the account holder is operating though TradrAPI. Accounts may hold up to 3 sets of credentials:
The master password of the account.ReadOnly (investor)
A readonly access passwordPhone
A password for phone access
The availability of these credentials ultimately depends on the trading platform in which the account resides.
Credential type Master
is available for all exchanges, ReadOnly
is only available in MetaTrader
In cTrader, only the account's FIX password can be reset via API. The account's cTrader password must be reset manually by the account holder.
Auto Generated Passwords
TradrAPI will automatically generate the required passwords for the account holder if they are not provided during the account creation process. These credentials will be generated using the rules listed below.
Fetching Credentials
Account credentials may be retrieved by fetching the account object and accessing the credentials
property. For more
information please refer to the Account documentation.
Updating Account Passwords
Account credentials may be updated by calling the updatePassword
method on the account object and passing the new
password as a parameter.
Note that the passwords for credential types can be updated in a single call, however this is not required and a single password may be updated if needed.
const done: boolean = await tradrApi.accounts.updatePassword({
accountId: 1010000123,
password: '_@eW23fq12',
readonlyPassword: 'Hydh3kM&',
phonePassword: '_Hdyh*jdjn3d',
Password Requirements
The password requirements for each credential type are as follows:
- Minimum of 8 characters.
- Must contain a number.
- Must contain an uppercase letter.
- Must contain a character in (!@#$%^~*_.).
A valid regular expression for this password requirement is: