Admin Methods
Commission Groups

Commission Groups

Commission groups are a type of group which determine the commissions to apply to an account's trades.


Note that for MetaTrader, the UserGroup and the CommissionGroup are one and the same.

Listing Commission Groups

To list commission groups for a particular project the list() method under the admin.commissionGroup namespace in the SDK should be used:

import { CommissionGroupResult } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const result: CommissionGroupResult[] = await tradrApi.admin.commissionGroup.list();

The response of the above is in the form of an array of CommissionGroupResult models, each of which with an interface as follows:

interface CommissionGroupResult {
  /** The ID of the commission group on the trading platform */
  exchangeGroupId: string;
  /** The name of the commission group */
  name: string;
  /** The currency which the group belongs to */
  currency: string;
  /** The exchange the group belongs to */
  exchange: Exchange;