A project (sometimes referred to as a brand) in TradrAPI represents a single app or website which uses TradrAPI.
Each project has a unique ID and a UID (unique identifier) and can be linked with multiple trading platforms and multiple servers based on the project's requirements.
In order to list or create new projects under TradrAPI, manager
level authentication is required.
Fetching projects
To fetch a single project, use the get
method available under the admin.brand
namespace. The method accepts a
single parameter which is the ID of the project to fetch. For example:
import { Brand } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const brand: Brand = await tradrApi.admin.brand.get(9);
The response will be a Brand
object which contains the following properties:
interface Brand {
/** The TradrAPI ID of the entity */
id: number;
* The date the entity was created
* @format date-time
createdAt: string;
* The date the entity was last updated
* @format date-time
updatedAt: string;
/** Whether the brand is active or not */
active: boolean;
/** The name of the brand */
name: string;
/** The unique identifier of the brand */
uid: string;
/** The unique identifier of the brand on the exchange */
exchangeUid: string;
/** If JWT auth for users is required, the url of the jwks endpoint to use */
jwksUrl: string;
/** If JWT auth for users is required, the issuer to use for JWT tokens */
jwksIss: string;
/** The account category types which should be supported */
accountCategories?: AccountCategory;
/** The exchanges (trading platforms) which the brand will use */
exchanges?: Exchange[];
/** The default exchange for the brand */
defaultExchange: Exchange;
/** The default exchange id for the brand */
defaultExchangeId: number;
/** The admin level api keys assigned to the brand */
apiKeys?: BrandApiKey[];
/** The supported currencies */
currencies?: Currency[];
/** The supported countries */
countries?: Country[];
/** The rules which define account routing during registration */
rules?: Rule[];
/** The spread groups assigned to the brand */
spreadGroups?: SpreadGroup[];
To list all projects under TradrAPI, use the list
method available under the admin.brand
namespace, for example:
import { PaginatedResponse, Brand } from '@tradrapi/trading-sdk';
const brands: PaginatedResponse<Brand> = await tradrApi.admin.brand.list();
The list()
method accepts an optional ListBrandDto
parameter which can be used to filter and paginate the results,
the available options are:
interface ListBrandDto {
* The current page being returned.
* @default 1
page?: number;
* Number of records per page.
* @default 10
limit?: number;
* The sort direction of the records being returned
* @default "DESC"
sortDir?: SortDir;
/** Filter by a specific brand ID */
brandId?: number;
/** Filter by a specific brand name */
name?: string;
/** Filter by a specific brand UID (unique identifier) */
uid?: string;
/** Filter by a specific default exchange */
defaultExchangeId?: number;
Fetching A Project's Default Group
The concept of a default group assigned to a Project (brand) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of TradrAPI.
To fetch a project's default group ID, use the getDefaultGroup
method available under the admin.brand
namespace. The
method accepts a single parameter which is the ID of the project to fetch the default group for. For example:
const defaultGroupId: number = await tradrApi.admin.brand.defaultGroup();
Updating Projects
To update a project, use the update
method available under the admin.brand
namespace. The method accepts a UpdateBrandDto
parameter which contains the properties to update. For example:
const result: boolean = await tradrApi.admin.brand.update({
brandId: 9,
name: 'My New Brand Name',
The UpdateBrandDto
parameter accepts the following properties:
interface UpdateBrandDto {
/** The ID of the brand to update */
brandId: number;
/** Whether to set the brand as active or not */
active?: boolean;
/** The UID to use with the brand on the relevant exchanges */
exchangeUid?: string;
* The name of the brand
* @minLength 1
name?: string;
* The UID of the brand within TradrAPI. Note, changing this will re-create brand groups
* @minLength 1
* @maxLength 5
* @example "BRD"
brandUid?: string;
/** If JWT auth for users is required, the url of the jwks endpoint to use */
jwksUrl?: string | null;
* If JWT auth for users is required, the issuer to use for JWT tokens
* @minLength 3
jwksIss?: string | null;
/** The ID of the default exchange to link this brand to */
defaultExchange?: number;
/** The IDs of the exchanges to link this brand to */
exchanges?: number[];